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Advantages and disadvantages of Off-the-Shelf Training

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An excellent way for employees is to get a new skill without needing to develop it and test it. Because it comes with pre-prepared content and methods, you can quickly implement and apply the new skills. Off-the-shelf training offers faster learning and quicker application of new skills. Before you decide to choose this type, however, there are some key points to remember. Let's explore these features and benefits in this article.

Pre-made Content

For companies looking to develop bespoke training programs but have limited resources, off-the shelf training offers many benefits. Because premade content has been created by industry professionals, it is economical. This content can be uploaded to a course or linked to and it is usually ready for use. It is also very easy to deploy and vendor-managed. It is a great solution for those with limited budgets, but it has its limitations.

wida training


The Off the Shelf Accessibility Training program can be used by accessibility trainers, designers, or anyone involved in the design and construction of accessible public spaces. The course materials provide guidance on how you can conduct an accessibility audit. The course is practical and practical in its approach to accessibility for persons with disabilities. It addresses the needs of individuals who require accessibility in various situations. The course is beneficial for those already familiar with accessibility topics.


Compared to custom-developed content, off-the-shelf training offers a significant cost savings. An organization doesn't need to spend money on L&D resources or training staff. A video with a variety of exercises can be purchased. A video storage cost is low and creates a large resource database. In most cases, the cost for off-the–shelf training will be comparable to custom written training.


Scalability is essential when it comes software. Not only does it determine the lifetime value of the software, but it also saves the company money. Scalability means that the software can be used as the business grows and does not need to undergo major redesigns. Workload is the number of users, storage capacity, transactions, and any other capacity. It is important that you determine the scalability to your software. Also, ensure that the software scales well to your needs.

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Learning styles

It is not necessary to adapt your training to different learning styles. Instead, understand the learning styles of your audience to tailor your courses. Field research is invaluable in understanding context and finding the right fit for your audience. These differences can help you develop learning experiences that meet your learners' individual needs. These tips will help you create a training program that is tailored to the learning style and preferences of your audience.


What is your biggest challenge when it comes to online education?

The biggest challenge is keeping students engaged throughout the course. Students must be interested in the course. If they don't, how can you expect them to learn anything? Giving students many options is the best way to keep them focused. It means that they can choose the modules they wish to study first, the chapters they wish to read next, the exercises they would like to attempt, the tests they would like to take, the assignments they would like to start working on, as well as which websites, videos, and games they'd like to play.

What equipment do you need for eLearning learning?

You must ensure that everything is correctly set up on your computer before you begin an online program. You'll probably want to use Adobe Captivate as well as a webcam and microphone.

It is also important to ensure that you have all necessary software on your computer. This includes Microsoft Office (Word Excel PowerPoint), Adobe Acrobat Reader Flash Player Java Runtime Environment QuickTime 7 and Shockwave Flash 10.0.

Camtasia Studio from TechSmith is another screen capture tool you may want to consider. It allows to capture what is happening on the computer screen while you're working.

Last but not least, you may want to download a WebEx or GoToMeeting web conferencing software. These programs allow you and others to view the same presentation simultaneously. They let you share your Desktop with others.

What amount of multimedia should an eLearning course have?

The answer will depend on what you want. If you're looking for quick information delivery, then less is likely to be the best. However, if you are looking at delivering training that will help people learn how to do something, then more may be better.

The key thing is that you need to know what you want to achieve from your eLearning course. Understanding what learners expect from your course is essential. This will allow you to make sure you have enough content for your learners to reach their goals.

You can take this example:

It's best to give people lots of examples to learn about Microsoft Word. If you are trying to teach people Excel, however, they will need to see many different types.

You should also consider whether images or video are best to illustrate concepts.

Video is great for teaching people how to do things, but it's not as good at explaining complex topics. It can also be very costly to produce. Images are cheaper to produce, but they don't convey the same level of emotion as a video.

The bottom line is to think carefully about the end result before designing your eLearning courses.

What are the benefits for students and teachers of elearning?

The benefits of e-learning include improved learning outcomes for both students and teachers. It allows learners to access information anywhere and anytime they want. E-learning makes it possible for educators to communicate with their students via technology in ways that were not possible before.

E-learning enables teachers to provide personalized instruction and feedback while also supporting student progress. This leads to increased motivation and engagement among students. E-learning can be used by teachers to improve communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and other skills. They can also make use of it to enhance their teaching practice by offering the possibility for self-reflection as well as reflection on the experiences made by others.

E-learning allows for a reduction in training costs. To train a class on a new topic, for example, a teacher will need to spend money on books and materials. You don't have to purchase the exact same materials online, however.


  • Hedonism incorporates intrinsic motivation, including novelty, challenge, excitement, and pleasure (Schwartz et al., 2012), which is likely to predict user perception of e-learning enjoyment. (sciencedirect.com)
  • According to ATD's 2021 State of the Industry report, technology-based learning methods, including e-learning, accounted for 80 percent of learning hours used in 2020. (td.org)
  • Reliability, validity, and descriptive statistics (The Gambia). Empty CellCRAVEMeanSDACBICOEEHABHEHMPEPOPVSESITRAC0.770.635.080.842) in behavioral intention to use e-learning in The Gambia (53%) and the UK (52%), (sciencedirect.com)
  • Interestingly, students' participation in online training grew by 142% in the past year alone, indicating how quality education and up-to-date teaching pedagogy are preferred by learners and working professionals to upskill across India. (economictimes.indiatimes.com)

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How To

What technology is best for eLearning learning?

You have many options depending on the type of device that your learner uses.

  1. Computer-based courses can be delivered via a computer.
  2. Mobile devices such smartphones and tablets can be used in eLearning.
  3. Courses can be delivered using both computers and mobile devices.
  4. Some organizations offer eLearning courses that are available on DVD discs and can be viewed by any computer.
  5. This is the best option. Users can view the material online by creating web pages.
  6. You can also use hybrid solutions, where one part of the course is delivered via a website and another through a CD/DVD.
  7. Finally, some companies provide free eLearning training over the phone. These courses can be recorded by learners and played back later.


Advantages and disadvantages of Off-the-Shelf Training